so one of my favorite tracks of the year, M83's 'Midnight City,' just got a pretty awesome video to go along with it. let's here it for glow-y eyed sci-fi children! enjoy:
work was pretty good today. i suppose it makes a big difference approaching it after a week of straight relaxing; but for what it is worth, i pretty much had a great time. just chill day. had blur on loop at work which always helps to make things better. tonight's jam before i head off to bed is a live version of one of my favorite blur/albarn tunes ever (with quite a sweaty damon); from their 2009 reunion:
so its the last night of vacation and it has been pretty splendid. i didn't realize how much i needed a break until i was actually here at the beach with my wife and family. relaxing. reading. playing games. and eating and drinking WAY too much. it was stelar and all good things come to an end; back to the real world tomorrow. so i'll leave you with the new justice single from the album of the same name; i wasn't all about the first single, 'civilization,' but this new one and the video have me re-excited about the new album. finger's crossed!