
favorite albums of 2012.5

2012 is already halfway over and that means mid-year list time! this has been a pretty stellar year for music thus far for me with (hopefully) many more to come in the following six months. as always, this is not definitive by any means, but simply the 10 records that i have found myself playing the most this year. in no real order. enjoy! 

chairlift - something

burial - kindred

big bang - alive/still alive

death grips - the money store

beach house - bloom
hot chip - in our heads
the tallest man on earth - there's no leaving now
lone - galaxy garden

the cribs - in the belly of the brazen bull
iamamiwhoami - kin

that's it so far. i just got the new fiona apple and i have a feeling that will be pretty high up there come the years end. agree? disagree? what am i missing? let me know. you all rule

the baron

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